Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March in the Pea Patch

The old saying describes March weather as, “in like a lion, out like a lamb,” however we had the opposite this year. Unseasonably warm February weather continued into March and the gardening bug bit everyone.

March Milestones:

Eleven additional plots were added to the Garden. John Gunning tilled to get the soil ready for us. On March 20th, volunteers installed irrigation to our new plots. The following weekend, we built the fence around the new plots. Teamwork paid off, and the fence went up in a few hours. Plots are getting snapped up quickly, though we still have a few available.

Fence Building Work Party, March 27th.

March also marked the return of harvestable veggies in the garden. The over-wintering broccoli is producing side shoots, as well as the kale and cauliflower. I’ve harvested 20 pounds of produce so far this spring, and I’m eyeing the rhubarb. Speaking of fruit, a dozen strawberry plants, five rhubarb, and five artichokes were donated to the garden this month. The rhubarb and artichoke are in a plot that wasn’t utilized last year, and the strawberries are on the hill next to the raspberries. Potential, thy name is Pea Patch.

The New Raspberries.

As March wound down, we were the focus of a front-page article in the Peninsula Daily News, featuring a color photo above the fold of the paper. Hooray! I brought out our new sign and it looked great for the picture. Unfortunately, two days after the article came out, a storm pulverized the sign and washed its beautiful paint job onto our newly tilled dirt. Big time bummer. To read the entire article, visit